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Contra Jones
I made the comics
Tell It To The Napalm
Dissolved In Sewage
Dissolved In Sewage
A small bug hero is forced to patrol the sewers and finds a horrible secret.
Contra Jones
Tell It To The Napalm Chapter 1: Vietnam
Horror war comic about two soldiers fighting a strange bio-mechanical monster
Contra Jones
Tell It To The Napalm Chapter 2: Multiple Shooters
The faceless Marine and spec-ops guy enter into conflict with a warlord who owns an ancient weapon.
Contra Jones
Tell It To The Napalm Chapter 3: Nuke Camelot
The Pentagram Boys battle new opponents in order to capture the Magic Bullet.
Contra Jones
Tell It To The Napalm Chapter 4: There Are No Empty Graves In Dallas, Texas
The conclusion to the Pentagram Boys vs JFK arc
Contra Jones
Only 1 2 Die
Graphic novel about an insane duck going on a shooting spree
Contra Jones
GIVE ME A RED is a bootleg comic about drug enhanced soldier NUKE fighting a highly trained Viet Cong soldier
Contra Jones